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Accessories > Effect Pedals > Chorus Flanger Tremolo

[USED] MXR M68 Uni-Vibe Chorus/Vibrato

[USED] MXR M68 Uni-Vibe Chorus/Vibrato

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Regular price $103.99
Regular price $129.99 Sale price $103.99
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At gentle settings, the MXR Uni-Vibe Chorus/Vibrato pedal adds a lush, shimmering chorus effect to your electric guitar signal. At extreme settings, it sounds like your amplifier is actually chewing on your guitar tone until it spits out rich, lumpy, pitch-modulated goodness. We don't really feel the need to describe the tone, because it's one of the most iconic effects heard in '60s-'70s rock. And while original vintage Uni-Vibe pedals are almost impossible to come by, this compact version nails that sound while also being pedalboard friendly. Plug into the MXR Uni-Vibe Chorus/Vibrato pedal, and we're sure you'll be hooked.

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