Accessories > Effect Pedals > Fuzz
Lone Wolf Audio Iron Fist V3 Fuzz
Lone Wolf Audio Iron Fist V3 Fuzz
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The Iron Fist is a highly tuned, and evolved fuzz based on a hybrid of a Rams Head era fuzz, utilizing hand picked vintage transistors for maximum power, with a vintage non "sizzling tone". No Typical 2N5088/5089 bright noise here.
You have total control over pre and post gain clipping. 1st stage clipping is selectable from Silicon, to a more present, aggressive matched LED pair. 2nd stage clipping is 3 way Hybrid Silicon/Schotky, None, and a hybrid NOS pair of germanium diodes only found in the Iron Fist.
Sweep the Depth knob to shift the input signal saturation from low, to fat, thick and meaty. Works great for Bass as well! Added midrange knob ensures you will never get lost in the mix again.